16 Social Media Marketing Tips for 2022, TIP #2 – Be Human

16 Social Media Marketing Tips for 2022 to grow your Business, Tips 2 Be Human, On Marketing Minute with Ronald Couming, SEO and Internet Marketing Expert, with www.NEXTLEVELINTERNETMARKETING.com

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In 2022, it’s time to Be Human

One of the worst mistakes to make on social media is coming off as the faceless corporation with zero personality. In the modern age of transparency, people want to get to know your company on a more personal level.

Many brands today crack jokes and aren’t afraid to talk to their followers like they would their friends. Whereas brands were once lambasted for coming off like robots, a human social media presence has become an expectation among many followers.

Similarly, showing off the human side of your brand means showing off the faces behind your social feeds. Whether it’s office photos or snapshots of your team “in the wild,” getting personal with your followers can help you form a much-needed connection.

Ronald Couming, Author, Speaker, Radio Show and Live Stream Host, is an Internet, online Marketing Expert, specializing in SEO, and often does not charge clients until after they are Rank on 1st page of Google Organically

Connect with Ronald Couming

Website: https://nextlevelinternetmarketing.com/

Website: https://rcsonlinesolutions.com

Website: http://www.ronaldcouming.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RonCouming

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ronald-co…

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Ronald Ellis Couming